JobClass API specification and documentation.
This documentation aims to provide all the information you need to work with our API.
Important: By default the API uses an access token set in the /.env
file with the variable APP_API_TOKEN
, whose its value
need to be added in the header of all the API requests with X-AppApiToken
as key. On the other hand, the key X-AppType
must not be added to the header... This key is only useful for the included web client and for API documentation.
Base URL
Authenticating requests
This API is authenticated by sending an Authorization
header with the value "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}"
All authenticated endpoints are marked with a requires authentication
badge in the documentation below.
You can retrieve your token by visiting your dashboard and clicking Generate API token.
Log in
Example request:
curl -X POST \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/auth/login" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs" \
-d '{"login":"","captcha":"consectetur","password":"123456","captcha_key":"pariatur"}'
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
let body = {
"login": "",
"captcha": "consectetur",
"password": "123456",
"captcha_key": "pariatur"
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(body),
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->post(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'json' => [
'login' => '',
'captcha' => 'consectetur',
'password' => '123456',
'captcha_key' => 'pariatur',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (422):
"success": false,
"message": "An error occurred while validating the data.",
"errors": {
"captcha": [
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Log out
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/auth/logout/12" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (200):
"success": true,
"message": "You have been logged out. See you soon.",
"result": null
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Forgot password
Example request:
curl -X POST \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/auth/password/email" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs" \
-d '{"login":"","captcha_key":"optio"}'
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
let body = {
"login": "",
"captcha_key": "optio"
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(body),
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->post(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'json' => [
'login' => '',
'captcha_key' => 'optio',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (422):
"success": false,
"message": "An error occurred while validating the data.",
"errors": {
"captcha": [
"The security code field is required."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Reset password token
Reset password token verification
Example request:
curl -X POST \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/auth/password/token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->post(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (422):
"success": false,
"message": "The given data was invalid.",
"result": null,
"errors": {
"code": [
"The code field is required."
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Reset password
Example request:
curl -X POST \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/auth/password/reset" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs" \
-d '{"login":"john.doe@domain.tld","password":"js!X07$z61hLA","password_confirmation":"js!X07$z61hLA","captcha_key":"est"}'
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
let body = {
"login": "john.doe@domain.tld",
"password": "js!X07$z61hLA",
"password_confirmation": "js!X07$z61hLA",
"captcha_key": "est"
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(body),
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->post(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'json' => [
'login' => 'john.doe@domain.tld',
'password' => 'js!X07$z61hLA',
'password_confirmation' => 'js!X07$z61hLA',
'captcha_key' => 'est',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (422):
"success": false,
"message": "An error occurred while validating the data.",
"errors": {
"captcha": [
"The security code field is required."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Calling this endpoint is mandatory if the captcha is enabled in the Admin panel. Return a JSON data with an 'img' item that contains the captcha image to show and a 'key' item that contains the generated key to send for validation.
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/captcha" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (429):
"success": false,
"message": "Too Many Requests,Please Slow Down",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
List categories
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/categories?parentId=0&embed=facere" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"parentId": "0",
"embed": "facere",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'parentId'=> '0',
'embed'=> 'facere',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (200):
"success": true,
"message": null,
"result": {
"data": [
"id": 1,
"parent_id": null,
"name": "Engineering",
"slug": "engineering",
"description": "",
"picture": "app\/default\/categories\/fa-folder-default.png",
"icon_class": null,
"active": "1",
"lft": "1",
"rgt": "2",
"depth": "0",
"parentClosure": null
"id": 2,
"parent_id": null,
"name": "Financial Services",
"slug": "financial-services",
"description": "",
"picture": "app\/default\/categories\/fa-folder-default.png",
"icon_class": null,
"active": "1",
"lft": "3",
"rgt": "4",
"depth": "0",
"parentClosure": null
"id": 3,
"parent_id": null,
"name": "Banking",
"slug": "banking",
"description": "",
"picture": "app\/default\/categories\/fa-folder-default.png",
"icon_class": null,
"active": "1",
"lft": "5",
"rgt": "6",
"depth": "0",
"parentClosure": null
"id": 4,
"parent_id": null,
"name": "Security & Safety",
"slug": "security-safety",
"description": "",
"picture": "app\/default\/categories\/fa-folder-default.png",
"icon_class": null,
"active": "1",
"lft": "7",
"rgt": "8",
"depth": "0",
"parentClosure": null
"id": 5,
"parent_id": null,
"name": "Training",
"slug": "training",
"description": "",
"picture": "app\/default\/categories\/fa-folder-default.png",
"icon_class": null,
"active": "1",
"lft": "9",
"rgt": "10",
"depth": "0",
"parentClosure": null
"id": 6,
"parent_id": null,
"name": "Public Service",
"slug": "public-service",
"description": "",
"picture": "app\/default\/categories\/fa-folder-default.png",
"icon_class": null,
"active": "1",
"lft": "11",
"rgt": "12",
"depth": "0",
"parentClosure": null
"id": 7,
"parent_id": null,
"name": "Real Estate",
"slug": "real-estate",
"description": "",
"picture": "app\/default\/categories\/fa-folder-default.png",
"icon_class": null,
"active": "1",
"lft": "13",
"rgt": "14",
"depth": "0",
"parentClosure": null
"id": 8,
"parent_id": null,
"name": "Independent & Freelance",
"slug": "independent-freelance",
"description": "",
"picture": "app\/default\/categories\/fa-folder-default.png",
"icon_class": null,
"active": "1",
"lft": "15",
"rgt": "16",
"depth": "0",
"parentClosure": null
"id": 9,
"parent_id": null,
"name": "IT & Telecoms",
"slug": "it-telecoms",
"description": "",
"picture": "app\/default\/categories\/fa-folder-default.png",
"icon_class": null,
"active": "1",
"lft": "17",
"rgt": "18",
"depth": "0",
"parentClosure": null
"id": 10,
"parent_id": null,
"name": "Marketing & Communication",
"slug": "marketing-communication",
"description": "",
"picture": "app\/default\/categories\/fa-folder-default.png",
"icon_class": null,
"active": "1",
"lft": "19",
"rgt": "20",
"depth": "0",
"parentClosure": null
"id": 11,
"parent_id": null,
"name": "Babysitting & Nanny Work",
"slug": "babysitting-nanny-work",
"description": "",
"picture": "app\/default\/categories\/fa-folder-default.png",
"icon_class": null,
"active": "1",
"lft": "21",
"rgt": "22",
"depth": "0",
"parentClosure": null
"id": 12,
"parent_id": null,
"name": "Human Resources",
"slug": "human-resources",
"description": "",
"picture": "app\/default\/categories\/fa-folder-default.png",
"icon_class": null,
"active": "1",
"lft": "23",
"rgt": "24",
"depth": "0",
"parentClosure": null
"id": 13,
"parent_id": null,
"name": "Medical & Healthcare",
"slug": "medical-healthcare",
"description": "",
"picture": "app\/default\/categories\/fa-folder-default.png",
"icon_class": null,
"active": "1",
"lft": "25",
"rgt": "26",
"depth": "0",
"parentClosure": null
"id": 14,
"parent_id": null,
"name": "Tourism & Restaurants",
"slug": "tourism-restaurants",
"description": "",
"picture": "app\/default\/categories\/fa-folder-default.png",
"icon_class": null,
"active": "1",
"lft": "27",
"rgt": "28",
"depth": "0",
"parentClosure": null
"id": 15,
"parent_id": null,
"name": "Transportation & Logistics",
"slug": "transportation-logistics",
"description": "",
"picture": "app\/default\/categories\/fa-folder-default.png",
"icon_class": null,
"active": "1",
"lft": "29",
"rgt": "30",
"depth": "0",
"parentClosure": null
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Get category
Get category by it's unique slug or ID.
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/categories/vitae?parentCatSlug=car" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"parentCatSlug": "car",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'parentCatSlug'=> 'car',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (200):
"success": true,
"message": null,
"result": []
Received response:
Request failed with error:
List companies
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/companies?sort=ipsum" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"sort": "ipsum",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'sort'=> 'ipsum',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (200):
"success": true,
"message": null,
"result": {
"data": [
"id": 683,
"user_id": "1",
"logo": "files\/us\/683\/3c69eac8aacff148e52e025c675100e2.jpg",
"description": "Do you have a post to be filled within your company? Find the right candidate in a few clicks at JobClass.",
"country_code": "US",
"city_id": null,
"address": null,
"phone": "",
"fax": null,
"email": null,
"website": null,
"facebook": null,
"twitter": null,
"linkedin": null,
"pinterest": null
"id": 682,
"user_id": "1",
"name": "LOLA LAND",
"logo": "files\/us\/682\/a9df8b8e75140f5ec9aade4702333313.png",
"description": "Do you have a post to be filled within your company? Find the right candidate in a few clicks at JobClass.",
"country_code": "US",
"city_id": null,
"address": null,
"phone": "",
"fax": null,
"email": null,
"website": null,
"facebook": null,
"twitter": null,
"linkedin": null,
"pinterest": null
"id": 681,
"user_id": "1",
"name": "Amissa Gan",
"logo": "files\/us\/681\/af3502595a45b4d87c93d6e3cf06d9f8.jpg",
"description": "Do you have a post to be filled within your company? Find the right candidate in a few clicks at JobClass.",
"country_code": "US",
"city_id": null,
"address": null,
"phone": "",
"fax": null,
"email": null,
"website": null,
"facebook": null,
"twitter": null,
"linkedin": null,
"pinterest": null
"id": 680,
"user_id": "1",
"name": "Foo Inc.",
"logo": "files\/us\/680\/2eced1747c0a378f80e0460e2b293f2c.jpg",
"description": "Use a brief title and description of the ad\r\nMake sure you post in the correct category\r\nAdd a logo to your ad\r\nPut a min and max salary\r\nCheck the ad before publish",
"country_code": "US",
"city_id": null,
"address": null,
"phone": "",
"fax": null,
"email": null,
"website": null,
"facebook": null,
"twitter": null,
"linkedin": null,
"pinterest": null
"id": 679,
"user_id": "1",
"name": "CAPMARKETER",
"logo": "files\/us\/679\/d76714ac649b431f757b7011c02c7269.png",
"description": "Do you have a post to be filled within your company? Find the right candidate in a few clicks at JobClass.",
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"city_id": null,
"address": null,
"phone": "",
"fax": null,
"email": null,
"website": null,
"facebook": null,
"twitter": null,
"linkedin": null,
"pinterest": null
"id": 659,
"user_id": "1",
"name": "Africa Fun",
"logo": "files\/us\/659\/eceb29817fcd13ef564fd47ab4acfd4f.png",
"description": "Do you have a post to be filled within your company? Find the right candidate in a few clicks at JobClass.",
"country_code": "US",
"city_id": null,
"address": null,
"phone": "",
"fax": null,
"email": null,
"website": null,
"facebook": null,
"twitter": null,
"linkedin": null,
"pinterest": null
"id": 155,
"user_id": "1455",
"name": "Gibson LLC",
"logo": "files\/eg\/1455\/20f53cda5ec88bb3677e24dd28b29e4e.png",
"description": "Mollitia consequatur iure nemo et modi excepturi iste. Ea commodi placeat et ipsum. Aut qui nemo esse modi voluptas. Itaque repellat veritatis modi suscipit saepe.",
"country_code": "EG",
"city_id": "12686",
"address": null,
"phone": "+2038730612",
"fax": "+1-549-759-6938",
"email": "",
"website": "http:\/\/",
"facebook": null,
"twitter": null,
"linkedin": null,
"pinterest": null
"id": 437,
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Received response:
Request failed with error:
Get company
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/companies/voluptatem?embed=quibusdam" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
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fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
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'query' => [
'embed'=> 'quibusdam',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Store company
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X POST \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/companies" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
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fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(body),
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$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (401):
"success": false,
"message": "Unauthenticated or Token Expired, Please Login",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Update company
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X PUT \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/companies/quibusdam" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
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-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs" \
-d ''
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"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
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fetch(url, {
method: "PUT",
body: JSON.stringify(body),
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$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->put(
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'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
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'json' => [
'company' => [
'name' => 'quibusdam',
'description' => 'enim',
'country_code' => 'US',
'name' => 'Foo Inc',
'logo' => null,
'description' => 'Nostrum quia est aut quas. Consequuntur ut quis odit voluptatem laborum quia.',
'city_id' => 18,
'address' => '5 rue de l\'Echelle',
'phone' => '+17656766467',
'fax' => '+80159266712',
'email' => 'contact@domain.tld',
'website' => 'https://domain.tld',
'facebook' => 'in',
'twitter' => 'suscipit',
'linkedin' => 'eum',
'pinterest' => 'praesentium',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Delete company(ies)
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X DELETE \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/companies/assumenda" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
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"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
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"Accept": "application/json",
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"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "DELETE",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->delete(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Send Form
Send a message to the site owner.
Example request:
curl -X POST \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/contact" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs" \
-d '{"first_name":"John","last_name":"Doe","email":"john.doe@domain.tld","message":"Nesciunt porro possimus maiores voluptatibus accusamus velit qui aspernatur.","country_code":"US","country_name":"United Sates","captcha_key":"non"}'
const url = new URL(
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"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
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"email": "john.doe@domain.tld",
"message": "Nesciunt porro possimus maiores voluptatibus accusamus velit qui aspernatur.",
"country_code": "US",
"country_name": "United Sates",
"captcha_key": "non"
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(body),
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->post(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
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'json' => [
'first_name' => 'John',
'last_name' => 'Doe',
'email' => 'john.doe@domain.tld',
'message' => 'Nesciunt porro possimus maiores voluptatibus accusamus velit qui aspernatur.',
'country_code' => 'US',
'country_name' => 'United Sates',
'captcha_key' => 'non',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (429):
"success": false,
"message": "Too Many Requests,Please Slow Down",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Report post
Report abuse or issues
Example request:
curl -X POST \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/posts/6/report" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs" \
-d '{"report_type_id":2,"email":"john.doe@domain.tld","message":"Et sunt voluptatibus ducimus id assumenda sint.","captcha_key":"et"}'
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
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"report_type_id": 2,
"email": "john.doe@domain.tld",
"message": "Et sunt voluptatibus ducimus id assumenda sint.",
"captcha_key": "et"
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(body),
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->post(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'json' => [
'report_type_id' => 2,
'email' => 'john.doe@domain.tld',
'message' => 'Et sunt voluptatibus ducimus id assumenda sint.',
'captcha_key' => 'et',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (429):
"success": false,
"message": "Too Many Requests,Please Slow Down",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Send Post by Email
Example request:
curl -X POST \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/posts/et/sendByEmail" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs" \
-d '{"sender_email":"john.doe@domain.tld","recipient_email":"foo@domain.tld"}'
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
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"sender_email": "john.doe@domain.tld",
"recipient_email": "foo@domain.tld"
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(body),
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->post(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'json' => [
'sender_email' => 'john.doe@domain.tld',
'recipient_email' => 'foo@domain.tld',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (429):
"success": false,
"message": "Too Many Requests,Please Slow Down",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
List countries
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/countries?embed=nemo" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
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"embed": "nemo",
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"Content-Type": "application/json",
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"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
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'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
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'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'embed'=> 'nemo',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (200):
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"message": null,
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Request failed with error:
Get country
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Received response:
Request failed with error:
List admin. divisions (1)
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/countries/US/subAdmins1?embed=ducimus" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
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Example response (200):
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"country_code": "US",
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"country_code": "US",
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"country_code": "US",
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"active": "1"
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"country_code": "US",
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"active": "1"
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"country_code": "US",
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"country_code": "US",
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"active": "1"
"code": "US.NC",
"country_code": "US",
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"active": "1"
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"country_code": "US",
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"active": "1"
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"country_code": "US",
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Received response:
Request failed with error:
List admin. divisions (2)
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/countries/US/subAdmins2?embed=perspiciatis" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
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'embed'=> 'perspiciatis',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (200):
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"country_code": "US",
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"name": "Bullock County",
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"country_code": "US",
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"country_code": "US",
"subadmin1_code": "US.AL",
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Received response:
Request failed with error:
List cities
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/countries/US/cities?embed=autem" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
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-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
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print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (200):
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"time_zone": "America\/New_York",
"active": "1"
"id": 42326,
"country_code": "US",
"name": "Villas",
"latitude": "26.55",
"longitude": "-81.87",
"subadmin1_code": "US.FL",
"subadmin2_code": "US.FL.071",
"population": "11569",
"time_zone": "America\/New_York",
"active": "1"
"id": 42327,
"country_code": "US",
"name": "Bessemer",
"latitude": "33.4",
"longitude": "-86.95",
"subadmin1_code": "US.AL",
"subadmin2_code": "US.AL.073",
"population": "26730",
"time_zone": "America\/Chicago",
"active": "1"
"id": 42328,
"country_code": "US",
"name": "Paducah",
"latitude": "37.08",
"longitude": "-88.6",
"subadmin1_code": "US.KY",
"subadmin2_code": "US.KY.145",
"population": "24864",
"time_zone": "America\/Chicago",
"active": "1"
"id": 42329,
"country_code": "US",
"name": "Red Chute",
"latitude": "32.56",
"longitude": "-93.61",
"subadmin1_code": "US.LA",
"subadmin2_code": "US.LA.015",
"population": "6261",
"time_zone": "America\/Chicago",
"active": "1"
"id": 42330,
"country_code": "US",
"name": "Jessup",
"latitude": "39.15",
"longitude": "-76.78",
"subadmin1_code": "US.MD",
"subadmin2_code": "US.MD.003",
"population": "7137",
"time_zone": "America\/New_York",
"active": "1"
"id": 42331,
"country_code": "US",
"name": "Birmingham",
"latitude": "33.52",
"longitude": "-86.8",
"subadmin1_code": "US.AL",
"subadmin2_code": "US.AL.073",
"population": "212461",
"time_zone": "America\/Chicago",
"active": "1"
"id": 42332,
"country_code": "US",
"name": "Delhi Hills",
"latitude": "39.09",
"longitude": "-84.61",
"subadmin1_code": "US.OH",
"subadmin2_code": "US.OH.061",
"population": "5259",
"time_zone": "America\/New_York",
"active": "1"
"id": 42333,
"country_code": "US",
"name": "Turpin Hills",
"latitude": "39.11",
"longitude": "-84.38",
"subadmin1_code": "US.OH",
"subadmin2_code": "US.OH.061",
"population": "5099",
"time_zone": "America\/New_York",
"active": "1"
"id": 42334,
"country_code": "US",
"name": "Lugoff",
"latitude": "34.23",
"longitude": "-80.69",
"subadmin1_code": "US.SC",
"subadmin2_code": "US.SC.055",
"population": "7434",
"time_zone": "America\/New_York",
"active": "1"
"id": 42335,
"country_code": "US",
"name": "Buda",
"latitude": "30.09",
"longitude": "-97.84",
"subadmin1_code": "US.TX",
"subadmin2_code": "US.TX.209",
"population": "13705",
"time_zone": "America\/Chicago",
"active": "1"
"id": 42336,
"country_code": "US",
"name": "Boaz",
"latitude": "34.2",
"longitude": "-86.17",
"subadmin1_code": "US.AL",
"subadmin2_code": "US.AL.095",
"population": "9688",
"time_zone": "America\/Chicago",
"active": "1"
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Received response:
Request failed with error:
Get admin. division (1)
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/subAdmins1/praesentium?embed=nemo" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"embed": "nemo",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'embed'=> 'nemo',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Entry for Models\\SubAdmin1 not found",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Get admin. division (2)
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/subAdmins2/enim?embed=ab" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"embed": "ab",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'embed'=> 'ab',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Entry for Models\\SubAdmin2 not found",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Get city
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/cities/consectetur?embed=assumenda" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"embed": "assumenda",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'embed'=> 'assumenda',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
List sections
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/homeSections" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (429):
"success": false,
"message": "Too Many Requests,Please Slow Down",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
List packages
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/packages?embed=currency" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"embed": "currency",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'embed'=> 'currency',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (200):
"success": true,
"message": null,
"result": {
"data": []
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Get package
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/packages/2?embed=currency" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"embed": "currency",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'embed'=> 'currency',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Entry for Models\\Package not found",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
List pages
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/pages?excludedFromFooter=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"excludedFromFooter": "",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'excludedFromFooter'=> '',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (429):
"success": false,
"message": "Too Many Requests,Please Slow Down",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Get page
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/pages/error" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (429):
"success": false,
"message": "Too Many Requests,Please Slow Down",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Payment Methods
List payment methods
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/paymentMethods?countryCode=US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"countryCode": "US",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'countryCode'=> 'US',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (200):
"success": true,
"message": null,
"result": {
"data": [
"id": 5,
"name": "offlinepayment",
"display_name": "Offline Payment",
"description": null,
"has_ccbox": "0",
"is_compatible_api": "1",
"countries": "",
"active": "1",
"lft": "5",
"rgt": "5",
"depth": "1",
"parent_id": "0"
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Get payment method
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/paymentMethods/7" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Entry for Models\\PaymentMethod not found",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
List payments
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/payments?embed=voluptate" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"embed": "voluptate",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'embed'=> 'voluptate',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (401):
"success": false,
"message": "Unauthenticated or Token Expired, Please Login",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Get payment
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/payments/quaerat?embed=autem" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"embed": "autem",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'embed'=> 'autem',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Store payment
requires authentication
Note: This endpoint is only available for the multi steps post edition.
Example request:
curl -X POST \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/payments?package=2" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs" \
-d '{"country_code":"US","post_id":2,"package_id":8,"payment_method_id":5}'
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"package": "2",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
let body = {
"country_code": "US",
"post_id": 2,
"package_id": 8,
"payment_method_id": 5
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(body),
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->post(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'package'=> '2',
'json' => [
'country_code' => 'US',
'post_id' => 2,
'package_id' => 8,
'payment_method_id' => 5,
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Post not found",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
List posts
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/posts?embed=saepe" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"embed": "saepe",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'embed'=> 'saepe',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (200):
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'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'json' => [
'category_id' => 1,
'post_type_id' => 1,
'title' => 'John Doe',
'description' => 'Beatae placeat atque tempore consequatur animi magni omnis.',
'salary_type_id' => 'facilis',
'contact_name' => 'John Doe',
'email' => 'john.doe@domain.tld',
'phone' => '+17656766467',
'city_id' => 5,
'start_date' => [],
'accept_terms' => false,
'company' => [
'name' => 'sint',
'description' => 'et',
'name' => 'Foo Inc',
'logo' => null,
'description' => 'Nostrum quia est aut quas.',
'country_code' => 'US',
'company_id' => 5,
'admin_code' => '0',
'price' => 5000,
'negotiable' => false,
'phone_hidden' => false,
'ip_addr' => 'veritatis',
'accept_marketing_offers' => true,
'is_permanent' => false,
'tags' => 'car,automotive,tesla,cyber,truck',
'package_id' => 2,
'payment_method_id' => 5,
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Delete post(s)
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X DELETE \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/posts/quia" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "DELETE",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->delete(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Email: Re-send link
Re-send email verification link to the user
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/posts/excepturi/verify/resend/email?entitySlug=users" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"entitySlug": "users",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'entitySlug'=> 'users',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
SMS: Re-send code
Re-send mobile phone verification token by SMS
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/posts/aperiam/verify/resend/sms?entitySlug=users" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"entitySlug": "users",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'entitySlug'=> 'users',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Verify the user's email address or mobile phone number
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/posts/verify/esse/qui?entitySlug=users" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"entitySlug": "users",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'entitySlug'=> 'users',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
List resumes
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/resumes?sort=blanditiis" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"sort": "blanditiis",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'sort'=> 'blanditiis',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (401):
"success": false,
"message": "Unauthenticated or Token Expired, Please Login",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Get resume
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/resumes/doloribus" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Store resume
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X POST \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/resumes" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs" \
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->post(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (401):
"success": false,
"message": "Unauthenticated or Token Expired, Please Login",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Update resume
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X PUT \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/resumes/non" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs" \
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "PUT",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->put(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Delete resume(s)
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X DELETE \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/resumes/assumenda" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "DELETE",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->delete(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Saved Posts
List saved posts
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/savedPosts?country_code=US&sort=facere" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"country_code": "US",
"sort": "facere",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'country_code'=> 'US',
'sort'=> 'facere',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (401):
"success": false,
"message": "Unauthenticated or Token Expired, Please Login",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Delete saved post(s)
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X DELETE \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/savedPosts/quia" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "DELETE",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->delete(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Saved Searches
List saved searches
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/savedSearches" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (401):
"success": false,
"message": "Unauthenticated or Token Expired, Please Login",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Delete saved search(es)
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X DELETE \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/savedSearches/maxime" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "DELETE",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->delete(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
List settings
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/settings" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (429):
"success": false,
"message": "Too Many Requests,Please Slow Down",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Get setting
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/settings/ut" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (429):
"success": false,
"message": "Too Many Requests,Please Slow Down",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Social Auth
Get target URL
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/auth/recusandae" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Get user info
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/auth/labore/callback" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
List threads
requires authentication
Get all logged user's threads Filters:
- unread: Get the logged user's unread threads
- started: Get the logged user's started threads
- important: Get the logged user's make as important threads
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/threads?filter=est" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"filter": "est",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'filter'=> 'est',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (401):
"success": false,
"message": "Unauthenticated or Token Expired, Please Login",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Get thread
requires authentication
Get a thread (owned by the logged user) details
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/threads/dignissimos" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Store thread
Start a conversation. Creation of a new thread.
Example request:
curl -X POST \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/threads" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-F "from_name=John Doe" \
-F "from_email=john.doe@domain.tld" \
-F "from_phone=doloremque" \
-F "body=Modi temporibus voluptas expedita voluptatibus voluptas veniam." \
-F "post_id=2" \
-F "resume[filename]=consequatur" \
-F "captcha_key=consequatur" \
-F "filename=@/private/var/folders/r0/k0xbnx757k3fnz09_6g9rp6w0000gn/T/phpGbn7Yk"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
const body = new FormData();
body.append('from_name', 'John Doe');
body.append('from_email', 'john.doe@domain.tld');
body.append('from_phone', 'doloremque');
body.append('body', 'Modi temporibus voluptas expedita voluptatibus voluptas veniam.');
body.append('post_id', '2');
body.append('resume[filename]', 'consequatur');
body.append('captcha_key', 'consequatur');
body.append('filename', document.querySelector('input[name="filename"]').files[0]);
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->post(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'multipart' => [
'name' => 'from_name',
'contents' => 'John Doe'
'name' => 'from_email',
'contents' => 'john.doe@domain.tld'
'name' => 'from_phone',
'contents' => 'doloremque'
'name' => 'body',
'contents' => 'Modi temporibus voluptas expedita voluptatibus voluptas veniam.'
'name' => 'post_id',
'contents' => '2'
'name' => 'resume[filename]',
'contents' => 'consequatur'
'name' => 'captcha_key',
'contents' => 'consequatur'
'name' => 'filename',
'contents' => fopen('/private/var/folders/r0/k0xbnx757k3fnz09_6g9rp6w0000gn/T/phpGbn7Yk', 'r')
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (401):
"success": false,
"message": "Unauthenticated or Token Expired, Please Login",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Update thread
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X PUT \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/threads/fuga" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs" \
-F "body=Modi temporibus voluptas expedita voluptatibus voluptas veniam." \
-F "filename=@/private/var/folders/r0/k0xbnx757k3fnz09_6g9rp6w0000gn/T/phpscXvEy"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
const body = new FormData();
body.append('body', 'Modi temporibus voluptas expedita voluptatibus voluptas veniam.');
body.append('filename', document.querySelector('input[name="filename"]').files[0]);
fetch(url, {
method: "PUT",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->put(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'multipart' => [
'name' => 'body',
'contents' => 'Modi temporibus voluptas expedita voluptatibus voluptas veniam.'
'name' => 'filename',
'contents' => fopen('/private/var/folders/r0/k0xbnx757k3fnz09_6g9rp6w0000gn/T/phpscXvEy', 'r')
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Delete thread(s)
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X DELETE \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/threads/earum" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "DELETE",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->delete(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Bulk updates
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X POST \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/threads/bulkUpdate/vero?type=veniam" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"type": "veniam",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->post(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'type'=> 'veniam',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
List users
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/users" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (401):
"success": false,
"message": "Unauthorized",
"result": null,
"error_code": 1
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Get user
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/users/iure" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Store user
Example request:
curl -X POST \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/users" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs" \
-F "country_code=US" \
-F "language_code=en" \
-F "user_type_id=1" \
-F "gender_id=1" \
-F "name=John Doe" \
-F "phone=+17656766467" \
-F "phone_hidden=" \
-F "email=john.doe@domain.tld" \
-F "username=john_doe" \
-F "password=js!X07$z61hLA" \
-F "password_confirmation=js!X07$z61hLA" \
-F "disable_comments=1" \
-F "ip_addr=quisquam" \
-F "accept_terms=1" \
-F "accept_marketing_offers=" \
-F "time_zone=America/New_York" \
-F "captcha_key=nihil" \
-F "photo=@/private/var/folders/r0/k0xbnx757k3fnz09_6g9rp6w0000gn/T/php2o52QY"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
const body = new FormData();
body.append('country_code', 'US');
body.append('language_code', 'en');
body.append('user_type_id', '1');
body.append('gender_id', '1');
body.append('name', 'John Doe');
body.append('phone', '+17656766467');
body.append('phone_hidden', '');
body.append('email', 'john.doe@domain.tld');
body.append('username', 'john_doe');
body.append('password', 'js!X07$z61hLA');
body.append('password_confirmation', 'js!X07$z61hLA');
body.append('disable_comments', '1');
body.append('ip_addr', 'quisquam');
body.append('accept_terms', '1');
body.append('accept_marketing_offers', '');
body.append('time_zone', 'America/New_York');
body.append('captcha_key', 'nihil');
body.append('photo', document.querySelector('input[name="photo"]').files[0]);
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->post(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'multipart' => [
'name' => 'country_code',
'contents' => 'US'
'name' => 'language_code',
'contents' => 'en'
'name' => 'user_type_id',
'contents' => '1'
'name' => 'gender_id',
'contents' => '1'
'name' => 'name',
'contents' => 'John Doe'
'name' => 'phone',
'contents' => '+17656766467'
'name' => 'phone_hidden',
'contents' => ''
'name' => 'email',
'contents' => 'john.doe@domain.tld'
'name' => 'username',
'contents' => 'john_doe'
'name' => 'password',
'contents' => 'js!X07$z61hLA'
'name' => 'password_confirmation',
'contents' => 'js!X07$z61hLA'
'name' => 'disable_comments',
'contents' => '1'
'name' => 'ip_addr',
'contents' => 'quisquam'
'name' => 'accept_terms',
'contents' => '1'
'name' => 'accept_marketing_offers',
'contents' => ''
'name' => 'time_zone',
'contents' => 'America/New_York'
'name' => 'captcha_key',
'contents' => 'nihil'
'name' => 'photo',
'contents' => fopen('/private/var/folders/r0/k0xbnx757k3fnz09_6g9rp6w0000gn/T/php2o52QY', 'r')
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (422):
"success": false,
"message": "An error occurred while validating the data.",
"errors": {
"username": [
"The username field must be an alphanumeric string."
"captcha": [
"The security code field is required."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Update user
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X PUT \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/users/qui" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs" \
-F "country_code=US" \
-F "language_code=en" \
-F "user_type_id=1" \
-F "gender_id=1" \
-F "name=John Doe" \
-F "phone=+17656766467" \
-F "phone_hidden=" \
-F "email=john.doe@domain.tld" \
-F "username=john_doe" \
-F "password=js!X07$z61hLA" \
-F "password_confirmation=js!X07$z61hLA" \
-F "disable_comments=1" \
-F "ip_addr=asperiores" \
-F "accept_terms=1" \
-F "accept_marketing_offers=" \
-F "time_zone=America/New_York" \
-F "photo=@/private/var/folders/r0/k0xbnx757k3fnz09_6g9rp6w0000gn/T/phpN07MYo"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
const body = new FormData();
body.append('country_code', 'US');
body.append('language_code', 'en');
body.append('user_type_id', '1');
body.append('gender_id', '1');
body.append('name', 'John Doe');
body.append('phone', '+17656766467');
body.append('phone_hidden', '');
body.append('email', 'john.doe@domain.tld');
body.append('username', 'john_doe');
body.append('password', 'js!X07$z61hLA');
body.append('password_confirmation', 'js!X07$z61hLA');
body.append('disable_comments', '1');
body.append('ip_addr', 'asperiores');
body.append('accept_terms', '1');
body.append('accept_marketing_offers', '');
body.append('time_zone', 'America/New_York');
body.append('photo', document.querySelector('input[name="photo"]').files[0]);
fetch(url, {
method: "PUT",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->put(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'multipart' => [
'name' => 'country_code',
'contents' => 'US'
'name' => 'language_code',
'contents' => 'en'
'name' => 'user_type_id',
'contents' => '1'
'name' => 'gender_id',
'contents' => '1'
'name' => 'name',
'contents' => 'John Doe'
'name' => 'phone',
'contents' => '+17656766467'
'name' => 'phone_hidden',
'contents' => ''
'name' => 'email',
'contents' => 'john.doe@domain.tld'
'name' => 'username',
'contents' => 'john_doe'
'name' => 'password',
'contents' => 'js!X07$z61hLA'
'name' => 'password_confirmation',
'contents' => 'js!X07$z61hLA'
'name' => 'disable_comments',
'contents' => '1'
'name' => 'ip_addr',
'contents' => 'asperiores'
'name' => 'accept_terms',
'contents' => '1'
'name' => 'accept_marketing_offers',
'contents' => ''
'name' => 'time_zone',
'contents' => 'America/New_York'
'name' => 'photo',
'contents' => fopen('/private/var/folders/r0/k0xbnx757k3fnz09_6g9rp6w0000gn/T/phpN07MYo', 'r')
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Delete user
requires authentication
Example request:
curl -X DELETE \
"https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/users/animi" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "DELETE",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->delete(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Email: Re-send link
Re-send email verification link to the user
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/users/impedit/verify/resend/email?entitySlug=users" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"entitySlug": "users",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'entitySlug'=> 'users',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
SMS: Re-send code
Re-send mobile phone verification token by SMS
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/users/vero/verify/resend/sms?entitySlug=users" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"entitySlug": "users",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'entitySlug'=> 'users',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Verify the user's email address or mobile phone number
Example request:
curl -X GET \
-G "https://jobclass.laraclassifier.local/api/users/verify/atque/commodi?entitySlug=users" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Language: en" \
-H "X-AppApiToken: a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=" \
-H "X-AppType: docs"
const url = new URL(
let params = {
"entitySlug": "users",
.forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]));
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Language": "en",
"X-AppApiToken": "a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=",
"X-AppType": "docs",
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Language' => 'en',
'X-AppApiToken' => 'a25ydDlKdDRwT2wzYjAxV1hvc0hSUmQxYklTTE1pRHU=',
'X-AppType' => 'docs',
'query' => [
'entitySlug'=> 'users',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
Example response (404):
"success": false,
"message": "Page Not Found."
Received response:
Request failed with error: